
Fire Defense 101 : How Fire-Rated Doors Safeguard Your Commercial Building

Unintentional fire can be catastrophic in any setting. While in commercial buildings, the stakes are even higher.


‘Cause these buildings house not just property and equipment, but also employees and potentially customers.
Beyond causing devastating financial losses, a fire can endanger lives and disrupt business operations for a long time.

Fire-Rated Doors: Your Building's Firewall

Thankfully, there are measures we can take to mitigate fire risk and ensure safety.

Wondering how?

One vital component of a fire defense plan is the use of fire-rated doors.

Now, these specialized doors are designed to withstand fire for a specific amount of time, giving inhabitants precious time to evacuate and firefighters a chance to contain the blaze.

But fire-rated doors are only effective when paired with the right hardware and door equipment.

Here’s where a reliable door hardware supplier comes in.

A reputable supplier will not only offer a wide range of fire-rated doors but also the essential door hardware needed for proper functionality. This includes:

  • Fire-rated door closers
    These ensure the door closes automatically after use, preventing fire and smoke from spreading.

  • Fire-rated hinges
    These heavy-duty hinges are designed to withstand the heat and pressure of a fire, keeping the door securely in place.
  • Panic bars
    Essential for emergency egress, panic bars allow for easy exit even during a stressful situation.

  • Exit devices
    These combine panic bars with additional features like key access for increased security.

Understanding Fire-Rated Doors : Your Building's Guardians Against Flames

Fire safety is foremost in any commercial building. Fire-rated doors play an integral role in this strategy, acting as essential barriers against flames and smoke.

Now, let’s explore these specialized doors and understand how they safeguard your building in a fire emergency.

What Are Fire-Rated Doors and Why Are They Important?

A fire-rated door is a specially designed door that can withstand fire for a specific period. This extra window of time lets occupants evacuate safely and gives firefighters a fighting chance to contain the blaze.  They are a compulsory component of a building’s fire safety plan, creating fire compartments and preventing flames and smoke from spreading.

Decoding Fire Resistance Ratings

Fire-rated doors are assigned a rating based on how long they can resist a standard fire test conducted according to established protocols (like ASTM E119 in North America). These ratings are typically displayed as a number followed by “minutes” (e.g., 30-minute fire door).

Common fire resistance ratings include 20, 30, 45, 60, and 90 minutes. The appropriate rating for a particular door depends on building codes and the specific location within the building.

fire defense 101

Building a Barrier : Materials Used in Fire-Rated Doors

Unlike your average doors, fire-rated doors are constructed with specific materials designed to withstand extreme heat and flames.

Door Core

fire door core

This inner layer is often made of fire-resistant materials like mineral wool, calcium silicate, or gypsum board. These materials have excellent insulating properties, slowing down heat transfer.

Door Skin

fire door skin

The outer layer can be made of steel, wood, or fiberglass with a fire-resistant core. Steel offers the most fire resistance, while wood requires special fire-resistant treatments.

Fire Seals


These seals expand when exposed to high temperatures, filling gaps between the door and frame. This prevents hot gases and smoke from spreading.

Fire-Rated Hardware

Fire-rated hardware

The hinges, closers, and other hardware used with fire-rated doors must also be rated to withstand fire for the same duration as the door itself.

By understanding fire-rated doors and their components, you can ensure your building is equipped with the right barriers to protect your employees, property, and business continuity in the unfortunate event of a fire.

Selecting the Perfect Fire-Rated Doors: Guardians for Your Business

Now that we have understood the significance of a fire-rated door, let’s see how to choose one. With various options available, choosing the right ones can seem daunting.

In this section, we have put together a guide to help you select fire-rated doors that meet your specific business needs:


Evaluating Your Building's Requirements

The first step is to understand your building’s specific needs. Here are some key factors to consider

  • Building Codes and Regulations
    Local building codes mandate the fire resistance rating required for doors in different areas of your building. Identify the ratings necessary for each doorway.

  • Location of the Door
    Doors separating high-risk areas like boiler rooms will need a higher rating than those leading to hallways.

  • Traffic Flow
    High-traffic areas may need special fire doors designed for frequent use without compromising fire protection.
selecting perfect fire door

Consulting the Experts

Fire safety professionals can provide invaluable guidance in selecting the right fire-rated doors. They can assess your building, identify code requirements, and recommend appropriate door solutions. Additionally, reputable door suppliers can offer expert advice on various door types, materials, and functionalities.

Tip : Consulting with a fire safety professional and a knowledgeable door hardware supplier is essential to ensure you select doors that meet both building codes and your specific needs.

Beyond Fire Safety: Size, Design, and Functionality

While fire safety is important, other factors deserve equal consideration

  • Door Size
    Ensure the door allows for safe and efficient passage during an evacuation. Standard door sizes may not suffice in all situations.

  • Door Design
    Fire-rated doors come in various styles and finishes. You can choose doors that complement your building’s aesthetics while meeting fire safety standards.

  • Functionality
    Consider features like self-closing mechanisms, automatic opening systems, or doors with vision panels for better visibility.
fire exit door

By carefully assessing your needs, collaborating with professionals such as door distributor, and considering additional functionalities, you can select fire-rated doors that effectively safeguard your business while complementing the overall design and functionality of your commercial space.

Fire-Rated Door Installation and Maintenance

When compared to regular doors, fire-rated doors need more proper care to function effectively. Here’s what you need to know about installation and maintenance best practices for your fire-rated doors

The Importance of Qualified Installation

In the case of fire-rated doors, improper installation can compromise their fire resistance capabilities. That’s why it’s compulsory to have them installed by qualified professionals. These professionals are trained in the proper techniques to ensure

  • Correct Fit and Alignment
    The door and frame must fit together seamlessly to create a proper barrier against flames and smoke.
  • Secure Attachment
    The door and frame need to be securely fastened using the appropriate hardware for optimal fire resistance.
  • Intact Fire Seals
    Fire seals expand during a fire, filling gaps between the door and frame. Qualified professionals ensure these seals are installed correctly and not damaged during the process.
  • Compliance with Fire Codes
    Installation adheres to relevant building codes and fire safety regulations.

Maintaining Peak Performance : Regular Inspection and Maintenance

Just like any safety equipment, fire-rated doors require regular inspection and maintenance to function optimally. Here’s a basic maintenance routine:

  • Visual Inspection
    Periodically check the door, frame, and hardware for visible damage, warping, or misalignment.
  • Hardware Functionality
    Ensure hinges, closers, and other hardware operate smoothly and the door closes completely and self-latches properly.
  • Fire Seals
    Inspect the fire seals for deterioration or cracks. These seals play a vital role in preventing smoke and flames from spreading.
  • Lubrication
    Lubricate hinges and other moving parts according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Pitfalls to Avoid : Installation and Maintenance Mistakes

Here are some common mistakes to avoid during installation and maintenance:
  • DIY Installation
    Though it looks tempting, fire-rated door installation is best left to qualified professionals to ensure proper fire protection.

  • Improper Hardware
    Using the wrong type of hardware can compromise the door’s fire resistance rating.

  • Neglecting Maintenance
    Skipping regular inspections and maintenance can lead to undetected issues that could hinder the door’s performance in a fire.

  • Painting Fire Seals
    Painting fire seals can impede their ability to expand properly during a fire.

By following these best practices, you can ensure your fire-rated doors are installed and maintained correctly, providing optimal fire protection for your building, occupants, and business continuity.

Make a Perfect Choice

In conclusion, fire-rated doors play a pivotal role in enhancing the safety and integrity of commercial buildings against fires, offering crucial time for evacuation and emergency response. Their strategic implementation, alongside vigilant maintenance, solidifies your fire defense framework, safeguarding lives, assets, and business continuity. AORBIS stands as your partner in fortifying your premises, equipping you with the right solutions for comprehensive fire protection.

Fire-rated doors & hardware shield buildings, ensuring safety and business continuity


My building has existing doors. Can they be upgraded to fire-rated doors?
Unfortunately, in most cases, standard doors cannot be effectively upgraded to meet fire-rated specifications. Fire-rated doors are constructed with specific fire-resistant materials throughout, including the core, skin, and seals. Upgrading existing doors wouldn’t guarantee the same level of fire protection as a purpose-built fire-rated door.

Fire-rated doors come in a wider variety of styles and finishes than you might think! You can find doors made of steel, wood, or fiberglass with fire-resistant cores. These doors can be painted or finished to match your building’s aesthetics while still meeting fire safety requirements. There are even fire-rated doors with glass panels for better visibility. Companies like AORBIS, a trusted doors hardware supplier, can help you find fire-rated doors that blend seamlessly with your building’s design.

Consulting with a fire safety professional is highly recommended. They can assess your building, identify code requirements, and recommend appropriate fire-rated door solutions. Additionally, reputable door suppliers can offer expert advice on various door types, materials, and functionalities, and ensure compliance with fire safety regulations. Aorbis, for instance, not only offers a wide selection of fire-rated doors but can also connect you with fire safety professionals to ensure you make informed decisions for your business.

Yes, fire-rated doors require periodic maintenance to ensure they function properly in a fire emergency. This typically involves inspecting the door, frame, and hardware for damage or wear, and lubricating hinges and closing mechanisms. Door hardware suppliers like AORBIS  can recommend qualified technicians to keep your fire-rated doors in top condition.

Not necessarily. The required fire-resistance rating for a door depends on its location within the building and building codes. For example, doors leading directly outside may have a lower rating than those separating high-risk areas from other parts of the building. Consulting with a fire safety professional is crucial to determine the appropriate rating for each fire exit door.
beautiful luxury bathroom

Why Hotel Bathroom Accessories Matter (and Where to Find Them)

The Art of Hospitality: Importance of Hotel Bathroom Accessories


Imagine this:
Your guests just arrived at your hotel after a long journey. They are tired and eager to freshen up. Active sentence: They feel exhausted and eager to freshen up. As they step into the bathroom, hoping for a welcoming space ready to serve and pamper them instead, they meet with essentials and a sense of sterile functionality.

It’s disappointing, right?
This scenario highlights the often-overlooked importance of hotel bathroom accessories. These small details can impact a guest’s experience. They can turn a plain bathroom into a comfy and useful space. It will meet their needs.

So, why exactly are hotel bathroom accessories crucial? Let’s dive into the key benefits they offer:

Enhanced Functionality

A well-equipped bathroom streamlines a guest’s routine. Towel racks ensure towels dry properly, soap dishes keep surfaces clean, and shelves store toiletries. These seemingly simple accessories end frustration and create a more comfortable environment.

Elevated Style and Ambience

Bathroom accessories go beyond functionality; they contribute to the aesthetic of the space. Choosing stylish and cohesive accessories complements the hotel’s design and creates a more upscale and inviting atmosphere.


Improved Hygiene:

High-quality accessories, like touchless dispensers and waste bins, promote better hygiene practices. This benefits guests and demonstrates the hotel’s commitment to cleanliness and sanitation. Custom-designed accessories can reinforce the hotel’s brand identity. They incorporate logos and echo design elements.These details create a consistent and memorable guest experience.


Finding the Perfect Partner : Your Trusted Bathroom Accessories Distributor

We’ve seen the importance of hotel bathroom accessories. Now, the question is: where do you find good ones? This is where partnering with a reputable bathroom accessories distributor becomes crucial.

A good distributor offers diverse products catering to various styles, budgets, and functionalities. They should also have expertise in the hospitality industry, understanding the specific needs and challenges of hotels.

Here are some key qualities to look for in a bathroom accessories distributor:

  • Extensive product range: They should offer a variety of accessories, including towel racks, soap dishes, dispensers, shelves, and more, catering to different tastes and requirements.
  • Durability and quality: The products must be made from durable materials that can withstand frequent use while maintaining their appearance over time.
  • Customization options: The ability to personalize accessories with logos or specific finishes can enhance brand identity and create a unique guest experience.
  • Competitive pricing: Finding a distributor that offers competitive prices without compromising on quality is essential for cost-effective procurement.
  • Excellent customer service: Helpful customer support is there to assist you promptly and guide you during the selection process.

Investing in the Right Accessories Makes a Difference

Hotels can partner with a reliable bathroom accessories distributor. This will ensure their bathrooms have what guests need. It will make the experience comfortable, convenient, and hygienic. Remember, these small details can impact guest satisfaction and leave a lasting impression. They add to the success of your hospitality business.
Ready to elevate your hotel bathrooms? Explore the many offerings of a trusted bathroom accessories distributor. Discover how the right accessories can transform your guest experience.

Make A Perfect Choice

In conclusion, the strategic selection of bathroom accessories, in collaboration with a reliable distributor, not only elevates the guest experience but also leaves a memorable imprint on their stay. Recognizing the transformative power of well-chosen amenities is essential for hotels aiming to create unparalleled hospitality experiences. Partner with AORBIS Inc. to access an extensive range of quality toilet and bathroom accessories that cater to every need, ensuring your hotel remains a preferred choice for discerning guests. Elevate your hospitality with AORBIS Inc., where every detail is an opportunity for excellence.

Embark on a journey towards unrivaled guest satisfaction. – where sourcing top-tier bathroom accessories is just the beginning of elevating your hotel’s hospitality standards.”

Smart Placement of Bathroom Accessories to Maximize Space

Smart Placement of Bathroom Accessories to Maximize Space

Strategic placement of bathroom accessories is a crucial element for a well-organized, and spacious bathroom. Whether the bathroom is spacious or compact, creating an organized and clutter-free environment is essential for both efficiency and aesthetics. Bathrooms are a fundamental part of our daily lives, found in multitude of settings – hotels, commercial establishments, industrial spaces, residential homes, government facilities, medical centers, and educational institutes. Efficient utilization of the bathroom space is paramount, be it a luxurious hotel suite, a bustling commercial restroom, an industrial facility, a cozy home bathroom, a government building, a medical clinic, or an educational institution.

In this comprehensive blog, we will explore 11 basic strategies for maximizing space while maintaining functionality and aesthetics of the bathroom.

1. Assess Bathroom Layout

Before reorganizing bathroom accessories, it is important to evaluate the bathroom’s layout. We must identify potential areas where accessories can be placed or rearranged to make better use of the available space. This includes considering wall space, corners, behind doors, and even above the toilet.

2. Wall-mounted Accessories:

Wall-mounted accessories are a space-saving champion in bathrooms.
Consider the following:

Floating Shelves: Install floating shelves on empty wall space to hold items like toiletries, towels, and decorative elements. These shelves are stylish and efficient.
Robe Hooks and Towel Bars: Opt for robe hooks and towel bars to keep towels and robes within reach while saving floor and countertop space.
Toilet Paper Holders: Choose a wall-mounted toilet paper holder to free up floor space and make it easier to clean the area around the toilet.

3. Compact vanity Options:

Opting for a compact vanity with built-in storage can free up valuable floor space. Look for vanities with drawers and cabinets to keep toiletries and other
essentials neatly tucked away. The wall-mounted vanities are the best bet for sleek and functional solution for smaller bathrooms.

4. Over-the-Door Storage:

The back of the bathroom door is an often underutilized space. Over-the-door storage solutions like hooks and organizers can help make the most out
of this area. The over-the-door towel hooks and hanging shower caddy are practical additions that maximize vertical space.

5. Shower Seat: A Space-Efficient Seating Solution:

A shower seat is not only a practical addition for those with mobility concerns but a clever space-saving solution. A compact wall-mounted foldable shower seat is a great space-efficient seating option that adds convenience without compromising on layout. These shower seats when not in use can be folded to make the area look more spacious.

At AORBIS Inc. we supply high quality wall-mounted foldable teak Shower Seat from El Yoku that comes in 440 lbs and 1100 lbs capacities.

6. Corner Shelving

Corner spaces are frequently ignored but can be a treasure trove for bathroom storage. They can turn unused corners into a functional space.

Corner Shelves: Install corner shelves to hold items like shower gels, shampoos, and other toiletries, keeping them within easy reach.
Corner Cabinets: Consider corner cabinets with rotating shelves for a sleek and hidden storage solution.

7. Vertical Storage with Tall Cabinets:

For bathrooms with limited floor space but ample vertical space, tall cabinets offer a practical storage solution. Use them to store towels, cleaning supplies, and other essentials.

8. Under-sink Organization::

The area beneath the sink can quickly become cluttered, but with smart organization, you can make the most of this space:
Pull-Out Trays or Baskets: These can be installed under the sink to organize cleaning supplies, extra toilet paper, or personal care products.

9. Recessed Shelving in Shower:

Incorporating recessed shelving in the shower area is a smart way to create storage without encroaching on the available space. Recessed shelves can hold shampoo, soap, and other shower essentials eliminating the need for bulky shower caddies. The recessed shower shelf is a sleek and space-saving choice for a seamless look.

10. Minimalistic Design and Multi-Purpose Accessories:

For bathrooms with limited floor space but ample vertical space, tall cabinets offer a practical storage solution. Use them to store towels, cleaning supplies, and other essentials.

11. Regular Decluttering:

Maximizing space also means getting rid of items you no longer need. Regularly declutter the bathroom to keep it efficient and organized.

Make A Perfect Choice

In conclusion, optimizing bathroom space with smart accessory placement is a game-changer for transforming a bathroom into a more functional and inviting space. Whether a small bathroom or a large one, these strategies will help in making the most of the available space while maintaining a sense of order and style. Along with these some additional tips are maintaining minimalism, use of light colors, incorporating adjustable shelving, and considering modular storage. The key is to think creatively and make use of every inch in the bathroom to enhance its overall functionality. At AORBIS Inc., we supply toilet and bathroom accessories to meet every requirement.

Smart placement of bathroom accessories is not just about space-saving; it’s a symphony of thoughtful placement
orchestrating style and efficiency

About AORBIS Inc.

We are CT based suppliers/distributors of doors, frames, & hardware. We supply all types of wood doors, hollow metal doors, fiberglass doors, & vinyl doors to our clients across 48 states of the USA. As a reliable distributor, we supply all types of wood, hollow metal, fiberglass, and vinyl doors in swing, barn, pocket, by-pass, and bi-fold styles along with frames and hardware.

As a dependable supplier/distributor of toilet & bath accessories, we supply a complete line of toilet, bath, bathroom, restroom, and washroom accessories for unit/guest and public areas, and all the general building products. We supply 40+ different types of toilet/bath accessories in 50+ finishes and 30+ materials for all project types.
Doors Hardware and Bathroom Accessories Maintenance Tips for Longevity

Doors, Hardware, and Bathroom accessories Maintenance – Tips for Longevity

Maintain Doors, Hardware, & Bath Accessories – Essential Longevity Tips

Doors, Hardware, and Bathroom Accessories play a vital role in the functionality and aesthetics of any space. Be it a home or a hotel or any commercial space these elements are attached to personal experience. Doors offer safety and security while making a significant design statement, and bathroom accessories contribute to aesthetics of personal space. Whether one is a homeowner or managing a commercial property, proper maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of doors, hardware, and toilet & bath accessories.

In this blog, we’ll explore in depth the maintenance practices for the longevity of doors, and bathroom accessories.

Maintaining Doors and Hardware


1 . Regular Cleaning

Dust, dirt, and grime can accumulate on doors, frames, and hardware, making them look awry. To clean the doors and frames effectively, using a damp, soft cloth or sponge and a mild cleaning solution is preferred. Abrasive materials that could scratch the surface must be avoided. For wooden doors, using a solution appropriate for wood is required, and for metal doors, a gentle all-purpose cleaner works well. One must wipe down not only the door's surface but also the doorknobs, handles, and locks, which tend to collect dirt and oils with human touch.


2. Lubricate Hinges and Locks

Hinges and locks can become stiff or noisy with time. Applying a silicone-based lubricant to hinges, locks, and sliding mechanisms can help maintain smooth operation. Applying a small amount directly onto the hinges and locks, then moving the door back and forth distributes the lubricant evenly. This simple step will prevent undue wear and tear on the door's components, extending their lifespan.

3. Inspect for Cracks and Warping

Cracks and warping can develop in doors, especially if they are made of wood and exposed to fluctuating humidity and temperature levels. Periodic inspection of the doors for any visible signs of damage is required. Small cracks can often be repaired by sanding and applying wood filler before repainting. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent them from worsening and leading to more extensive repairs or replacements.

4. Seal Gaps

Gaps around the doors can lead to energy loss and allow pest infestations. Inspecting the door frame for gaps and sealing them with weatherstripping or caulk helps to maintain energy efficiency and comfort, especially during extreme weather conditions.

5. Repaint When Needed

Paint serves both aesthetic and protective purposes for the doors. If the paint is chipping, peeling, or fading, it's time to repaint. Primary step is sanding the door's surface to ensure good adhesion, applying a primer, and then painting with a color that complements the decor. A well-maintained paint job protects the door from moisture and sun damage, ensuring it remains attractive and functional.

Maintaining Bathroom Accessories

1. Cleaning Accessories

Bathroom accessories, such as towel bars, robe hooks, grab bars, toilet paper holders, can accumulate soap scum, grime, and hard water stains over time. Regularly cleaning them using a gentle cleaning solution prevents these buildups. For most toilet and bath accessories, a mixture of mild soap or dishwashing liquid and warm water will suffice. Using abrasive or acidic cleaners that can damage the finish must be avoided.

2. Prevent Rust

Rust is a common issue with bathroom fixtures, especially in areas with hard water. To prevent rust, bath accessories must be dried off after use by wiping with a towel or cloth to remove moisture, as water left on metal surfaces can lead to rust. If there are any rust spots, use a mixture of baking soda and water to remove them. For fixtures with rust-resistant finishes, like chrome or stainless steel, using a soft cloth to buff away minor rust spots is recommended.

3 Avoid Heat and Direct Sunlight

Heat and sunlight can cause fading, cracking, and other damage to bathroom accessories. Direct sunlight causes oxidation that can damage metal and other material. Hence, it is important to keep bathroom accessories dry and bathroom well-ventilated.

Senior Living Facilities

4. Recaulk as Necessary

Caulk around the bathtub, shower, and sink can deteriorate over time, leading to water seepage that can cause damage to the surrounding area. As soon as the cracks or gaps are noticed in the caulk, remove the old material and recaulk. Properly applied caulk helps maintain a watertight seal, preventing water from penetrating and causing structural damage.

5. Tighten Loose Fixtures

Bathroom accessories like towel bars and toilet paper holders can become loose due to regular use. Ensure they are securely attached to the wall by tightening the screws or mounting brackets. Loose fixtures not only look unsightly but can also fall, potentially causing damage.

Make A Perfect Choice

In conclusion, maintaining doors, hardware, and bathroom accessories is essential for long term functionality, aesthetic appeal, and quality of the space. The doors, hardware, and toilet & bath accessories are very essential as they help build the first impression of any space. Regular care saves unexpected repair costs and keep these products functional. At AORBIS Inc., we supply doors, hardware, and toilet accessories that are built with good quality material to last long for a hassle free experience.

Maintaining your doors and bathroom accessories isn’t just a chore; it’s an investment in the lasting appeal and functionality.

About AORBIS Inc.

We are CT based suppliers/distributors of doors, frames, & hardware. We supply all types of wood doors, hollow metal doors, fiberglass doors, & vinyl doors to our clients across 48 states of the USA. As a reliable distributor, we supply all types of wood, hollow metal, fiberglass, and vinyl doors in swing, barn, pocket, by-pass, and bi-fold styles along with frames and hardware.

As a dependable supplier/distributor of toilet & bath accessories, we supply a complete line of toilet, bath, bathroom, restroom, and washroom accessories for unit/guest and public areas, and all the general building products. We supply 40+ different types of toilet/bath accessories in 50+ finishes and 30+ materials for all project types.
Parameter Guide for Selecting The Right-Doors

Parameter Guide for Selecting The Right Doors

The Complete Parameter Guide for Selecting the Right Door

To select the right door, there are several parameters that need to be considered. Be it hospitality (hotels), residential, commercial, industrial, senior living, multifamily, student housing, airport terminals, government, mixed-use, educational, healthcare or any other type of project, there are certain parameter that one needs to consider for selecting the right doors for the project.

This list of parameters can be used by architects while specifying the doors for a project, can be used by quantity and cost estimators for selecting the right type of door. This comprehensive list explains various essential parameters that are found in the door schedules as well as on the plans for effectively selecting the right door.

20 Important Parameters to Select The Right Door :

  1. Door Marks:  Door Marks serve as unique identifiers for different types of doors in the schedule, facilitating easy referencing on plans.
  2. Door Size:  Door Size specifies critical dimensions like width, height, and thickness, crucial for proper fitting and functionality
  3. Door Elevation:  This parameter refers to the specific architectural style of the door as indicated in the drawings.
  4. Door Material:  The Door Material in the schedule specifies the construction material to be used for a given door be it wood, hollow metal, fiberglass, impacting durability and aesthetics.
  5. Door Type:  The Door Type clarifies the specific door mechanism, whether it’s a Swing, Bi-fold, Barn, By-Pass, or Pocket door.
  6. Door Core: Typically found in specifications, Door Core indicates the type of inner core material for the door, affecting its strength and insulation properties.
  7. Door Location: Door Location on plans signifies where each door is positioned within the building layout.
  8. Door Finish:This parameter defines the surface treatment or finish required for a door, contributing to its appearance and protection.
  9. Leaf Count:This To determine the number of door leaves (individual panels or sections), reference the plans for a proper installation.
  10. Door Assembly:This parameter specifies whether the door is pre-hung (pre-installed in a frame) or not, impacting installation requirements.
  11. Hand of Opening:
    Recognizable on plans, this parameter clarifies the door’s swing/slide direction, essential for correct machining.
  12. Fire Rating:
    The Fire Rating on a door schedule or specs is a critical safety parameter, indicating the door’s ability to withstand fire for a specified duration.
  13. STC (Sound Transmission Class):
    This parameter quantifies the door’s sound insulation properties, crucial for noise control in various settings.
  14. Wall Type:
    Wall Type defines the type of wall where the door will be installed, guiding construction and installation requirements.
  15. Wall/Throat Thickness:
    This parameter details the thickness of the frame throat where the door will be placed, affecting door and frame compatibility.
  16. Int/Ext:
    It signifies whether the door location is interior or exterior, a key consideration for weather resistance and security.
  17. Frame Material:
    It denotes the material for the door frame, complementing the door material for both structural integrity and design.
  18. Frame Finish:
    This parameter informs about the finish applied to the frame, affecting the overall aesthetic of the door.
  19. Frame Type:
    The Frame Type specification guides the selection of the appropriate frame design for the door.
  20. Hardware Set:
    This parameter in the schedule lists the hardware set number necessary for each door, with further details usually found in plans or specifications.

Make A Perfect Choice

In conclusion, the selection of the right doors is a critical decision that impacts functionality, safety, and aesthetics of any architectural project. All these parameters ensure the doors function seamlessly, meet safety and security requirements, and enhances the overall appeal of the space. At AORBIS Inc. we supply doors, hardware, and frames taking into consideration above mentioned parameters to meet all the project requirements effectively.

Selecting the right doors is more than a necessity; it’s an ART. The right door leaves a lasting impression.

We are CT based suppliers/distributors of doors, frames, & hardware. We supply all types of wood doors, hollow metal doors, fiberglass doors, & vinyl doors to our clients across 48 states of the USA. As a reliable distributor, we supply all types of wood, hollow metal, fiberglass, and vinyl doors in swing, barn, pocket, by-pass, and bi-fold styles along with frames and hardware.

As a dependable supplier/distributor of toilet & bath accessories, we supply a complete line of toilet, bath, bathroom, restroom, and washroom accessories for unit/guest and public areas, and all the general building products. We supply 40+ different types of toilet/bath accessories in 50+ finishes and 30+ materials for all project types.