Types of Door Elevations for Wood and Hollow Metal Doors

Types of Door Elevations for Wood and Hollow Metal Doors

Infographic - Types of Door Elevations for Wood and Hollow Metal Doors

Download an A2 size (16.5″ x 23.4″) print-friendly “Types of Door Elevations for Wood and Hollow Metal Doors” infographic that shows the different commonly used type of door elevations for wood and hollow metal doors.

This infographic explains construction of  door elevations such as  Flush | Wicket | Dutch | Vision Light | Narrow Light | Half Light | Full Light doors. This infographic also mentions architectural dimensions for light doors.

To know more about our doors & hardware supply services, feel free to contact us now.

Face Selection for Flush and Stile & Rail Wood Doors

Face Selection for Flush & Stile and Rail Wood Doors

Infographic - Face Selection for Flush & Stile and Rail Wood Doors

Download an A2 size (16.5″ x 23.4″) print-friendly “Face Selection for Flush & Stile and Rail Wood Doors” infographic that provides information on points to consider while selecting the face of a flush or stile and rail wood doors.

This infographic explains parameters such as species and matching in veneers, materials for premium and custom grade doors, and choice of laminates for flush wood doors.

To know more about our doors & hardware supply services, feel free to contact us now.

Types of Veneer leaves Matching for Flush & Stile and Rail Doors

Types of Veneer Leaves Matching for Flush & Stile and Rail Doors

Infographic - Types of Veneer Leaves Matching for Flush & Stile and Rail Doors

Download an A2 size (16.5″ x 23.4″) print-friendly “Types of Veneer Leaves Matching for Flush & Stile and Rail Doors” infographic that describes various types of veneer leaves matching.

This infographic explains different types of veneer leaf matching options like Book Match | Slip Match | Random Match | Plank Match. It also explains different types of spliced veneer assembly matches such as Running Match | Balance Match | Center Balance Match.

To know more about our doors & hardware supply services, feel free to contact us now.

Types of Wood Veneer Cuts for Flush Stile and Rail Doors

Types of Wood Veneer Cuts for Flush & Stile and Rail Doors

Infographic - Types of Wood Veneer Cuts for Flush & Stile and Rail Doors

Download an A2 size (16.5″ x 23.4″) print-friendly “Types of Wood Veneer Cuts for Flush & Stile and Rail Doors” infographic that shows different types of wood veneer cuts.

This infographic explain 4 types of the wood veneer cuts that are Plain cut | Rift Cut | Quarter Cut | Rotary Cut. Along with the cut styles, this infographic illustrates the grain patterns on the face post cutting.

To know more about our doors & hardware supply services, feel free to contact us now.

Difference Between Knock Down and Welded Frames

Difference Between Knock Down and Welded Frames

Infographic - Difference Between Knock Down and Welded Frames

Download an A2 size (16.5″ x 23.4″) print-friendly “Difference Between Knock Down and Welded Frames” infographic that provides information on types of hollow metal frames. This infographic  explains difference between Knowck Down and Welded Frames.

This infographic also explains types and constrcution of Knock Down Drywall Frames | Standard Knock Down Frames | Full profile Welded Frames | Face Welded Frames to clearly understand the difference between them.

To know more about our doors & hardware supply services, feel free to contact us now.


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{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_name}}
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