Press Release - AORBIS Inc. Launches On-demand Specification Writing Services for Architects

AORBIS Inc., a prominent U.S.-based supplier of door hardware and bathroom accessories, is excited to announce the launch of its specialized specification writing services for architects. This new offering aims to enhance the efficiency and quality of architectural projects by alleviating the burdens faced by architects and specification writers.

With a strong foundation in Division 8 (Openings) and Division 10 (Specialties) supply materials, AORBIS Inc. is well-positioned to provide precise and up-to-date specifications that align with the latest industry standards and innovations. This initiative underscores AORBIS’s commitment to delivering customized support and ensuring compliance and quality across the architectural sector.

“At AORBIS, we recognize the complexities and time-consuming nature of specification writing. Our goal is to provide architects with the expertise and support they need to concentrate on their core design activities,” said Chirag Thaker, President at AORBIS Inc. “Leveraging our indepth knowledge of Division 8 and Division 10 materials, we meticulously craft every specification to meet regulatory requirements and quality standards, thereby reducing the risk of costly errors and material misapplications.”

AORBIS’s comprehensive specification writing services include ensuring code compliance, assisting in design development, reviewing substitution requests for function and compatibility, and providing technical project support. Additionally, AORBIS offers product sheets for included products, collaborates on security planning with stakeholders, delivers detailed door hardware specifications, and reviews hardware submittals to verify quality and compliance. By integrating specification writing with direct material supply, AORBIS Inc. helps clients optimize their budgets, reducing overall project costs through strategic material selection and procurement.

AORBIS Inc. is a leading provider of specification writing services with extensive experience in Division 8 and Division 10 supply materials. The company is dedicated to helping architects and spec writers produce precise, code-compliant specifications efficiently and reliably. AORBIS’s services are customized to meet the unique needs of each project, ensuring enhanced compliance, quality, and cost savings. For more information, contact us now.


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